You will find hereunder some used boats built on my plans or in the same spirit. If you want to sell a boat, please get in touch. Send one to three pictures as jpg files and a 10 lines description. I will publish if the boat is in line with the spirit of my web-site. No justification will be given in case of refusal. Price 24 € for one year.

Minahouet à vendre

Minahouet n° 29, voile-aviron de 4.66 m.Catégorie de conception européenne CConstruction partielle amateur de 2003 (coque construite par le chantier

Stir-Ven Kelpie

Stir-Ven “Kelpie” for sale

Stir Ven 22 sail #42 named “Kelpie” was built by Stanley Robert in Tasmania, Australia and launched in 2013. Built