Since 20 years, I have been proposing CNC cutting of plywood parts to make construction easier, faster and less costly for both home or professional builders. The WoodenBoat magazine just published on his website a post named “CNC comes of age“, which I invite you to read, in particular at the end the “small craft niche”. This article reminds the choice I have made to propose either kits sold by partners (about 12 presently) or CNC files bought from my website, allowing to have the cutting made by a local company.
CNC comes of Age
- Post author:François Vivier
- Post published:11 August 2020
- Post category:Actualités / On the web / Wooden boat-building
- Post comments:1 Comment

A very timely and content-rich article! Thank you for participating and offering your valuable input! Keep up your inspiring work, Monsieur Vivier!