Enrique García, Shipshape Carpinteros de Ribera, is a Spanish builder, located on the northern coast, in the region of Santander. He is able to build all types of small boats, in traditional construction, in strip planking or lapstrake plywood. He was trained as a marine carpenter in England. It is ready to build boats on my plans and can also provide CNC cut plywood kits. Among his achievements, we can mention a 12′ dinghy (photo), a strip planked version of a Uffa Ace (a Uffa Fox design, popular in the Santander area in the 1950s and 1960s), a sail and oar dinghy designed by Ross Lillistone (Australia) …
Avda. Cantabria 2312 Nave 9
39318 Cudón, Cantabria
Teléf: 00 34 942583016
Website : shipshape.com.es
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