François Vivier Architecte NavalGo to English
Surveys and regulation expertise

I am currently making surveys of traditional wooden boats. The aim is obviously to give an advice on the condition of the hull structure as well as the rig and other pieces of equipment.
I give also my judgement on the historical value of the boat, based on my knowledge of French traditional boats.
These surveys may results in restauration projects.

Picture : Fleur de Lampaul, surveyed in Bordeaux harbour.

The European Recreative Craft Directive (RCD) has introduced new constraints in the design of all boats, including those inspired by tradition. Even if the RCD excludes historical boats, the stability and buoyancy standards are to comply with in some countries (and in particular in France).
I have made many expertises on traditional boats to check compliance to RCD or to find good solutions to have the boat complying, without sacrificing the aesthetics as well as the character of the boat. Many traditional open boats may comply in design category C, even without buoyancy if they have a good stability (stiffness test).

Picture : Buoyancy test of a Bantry gig. After this test all French Bantry gigs have been fitted with discreet buoyancy bags as well as some fittings to ease recovery after capsize.
